WPSOLR Enterprise – Monthly subscription


Monthly subscription
– Cancel anytime from your dashboard.

What happens after?
– Unless renewed, the plugin will stop working.




SKU: 42615790 Category:


For only 1.0497USD for a limited time. Promotion or discount/coupon code details (if applicable) will be present at the bottom of this post.


Monthly subscription
– Cancel anytime from your dashboard.

What happens after?
– Unless renewed, the plugin will stop working.


Promotion Status:
Promotion/coupon code is available. Scroll down to the end to see details

Platforms (if applicable):

Fast search

Search in millions of products or posts under 1 second

Universal search

Search in every product information: pdfs, .docs, attributes, variations, description, excerpt ….

Flexible search

Tune many parameters in the plugin, or in Apache Solr

Free or Premium

Test with the free plugin, then extend it with the Premium Packs


Product Screenshot(s):

Discount /Promo Code Details (if available):
Discount for WPSolr free users with a limited time Discount of 0.16242USD

Promo Code or Coupon (if available): Discount for WPSolr free users

Promo Link (if applicable)

Click here to see promotion details

Expiration Date:
Promotion is valid till: 2024-08-30

Vendor URL

Click here to go to the Vendor Website

Additional information

