Justified Gallery Pro Extension for WYSIWYG Web Builder 1.0.0

The Justified Gallery extension is a grid based gallery which adapts to the screen size dynamically. 




Justified Gallery Pro Extension for WYSIWYG Web Builder

Justified Gallery Pro Extension for WYSIWYG Web Builder

SKU: 34077669

Version: 1.0.0

Price: 4.95 USD

The Justified Gallery extension is a grid based gallery which adapts to the screen size dynamically. 

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The Justified Gallery extension is a grid based gallery which adapts to the screen size dynamically. The gallery supports images with different sizes and aspect ratios, the images will automatically be re-arranged based on the available space. The ‘Load more’ button can be used to load more images on demand. This feature is also known as “Infinite Scroll”.


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WYSIWYG Web Builder – SUMMER DISCOUNT – Save 1.9875 USD

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Expires on: 2022-12-31

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