
ForceToolkit is a small but powerful Windows utility that provides a few functions forcibly modify the state of other program controls. This tool allows users to enable grey out buttons and checkboxes, hide windows and let them run in the background, make windows always on top, change titles, forcefully kill processes and close programs.



SKU: 38625107 Category:


For only 19.95USD for a limited time. Promotion or discount/coupon code details (if applicable) will be present at the bottom of this post.

ForceToolkit is a small but powerful Windows utility that provides a few functions forcibly modify the state of other program controls. This tool allows users to enable grey out buttons and checkboxes, hide windows and let them run in the background, make windows always on top, change titles, forcefully kill processes and close programs.

Promotion Status:
Promotion/coupon code is available. Scroll down to the end to see details

Platforms (if applicable):
Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016

ForceToolkit is a small but powerful Windows utility that provides a few functions forcibly modify the state of other program controls. This tool allows users to enable grey out buttons and checkboxes, hide windows and let them run in the background, make windows always on top, change titles, forcefully kill processes and close programs.

ForceToolkit Features

– Enable Grayed Out Disabled Buttons, Checkboxes and More Controls in Other Applications
– Force to Click on a Disabled Button
– Hide a Window or Program to Run it Invisible in the Background
– Hide Controls and Text in Other Applications
– Set Windows to Always on Top
– Forcefully Close Window in Other Programs
– Redraw / Refresh the UI of Other Programs
– Forcefully Kill the Process and Close the Program of an Application
– Change the Window Title
– Resize the Fixed Size Window
– Portable ZIP Version Available

Product Screenshot(s):

Discount /Promo Code Details (if available):
3usdreseller with a limited time Discount of 3USD

Promo Code or Coupon (if available): 3usdreseller

Promo Link (if applicable)

Click here to see promotion details

Expiration Date:
No Expiry for this promotion

Vendor URL

Click here to go to the Vendor Website

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