FileMarker.NET Pro (Standard)

Color-code FILES in Windows like in Mac and considerably simplify file management with the help of additional icons to display status, priority, completeness and type of data in a file



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FileMarker.NET Pro (Standard)

FileMarker.NET Pro (Standard)

SKU: 4613516

Price: 34.95 USD

Color-code FILES in Windows like in Mac and considerably simplify file management with the help of additional icons to display status, priority, completeness and type of data in a file

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Detailed description

What is FileMarker.NET and how it can help you

FileMarker.NET is easy-to-use tool that enables Windows users to arbitrarily change separate FILE icon images and mark files with additional sub-icons to reflect their completeness, status, priority or type.

File marking can be used in a great number of situations and for purposes ranging from basic labeling to turning file icons into multi-functional project progress indicators. If you work with multiple files at the same time within one or more projects and have lots of deadlines to meet, being able to prioritize your work becomes truly invaluable. For instance, you can use FileMarket.NET to mark files that must be completed by the end of the week with a yellow color, as well as to set priorities and completion values. This way, you will always have a clear picture of the amount of work lying ahead and your progress on particular tasks.

The program allows you to color-mark a file, or add a label to it, or use a combination of a color and a label. Using the program is extremely easy – the customizable context menu is opened by right-clicking the necessary file. Custom file icons are applied immediately after the user selects the corresponding command. With FileMarker.NET, you can even copy or move files with customized icons to another system with a copy of the program installed – and the original appearance of the files will be completely preserved.

How it looks. Screenshots

FileMarker.NET is a compact, intuitive and easy-to-use Windows file icon changer. Choose your file, choose the icon for it, and click Apply button. That’s it!

Main Window - 2 clicks to change file icon               Main Window - 2 clicks to change file icon

FileMarker.NET makes it easy to mark files. All you need to do is right-click on the file you want to mark and select the color or icon you want from the popup menu.

Key features of FileMarker.NET Pro:

  • FileMarker.NET Pro license allows to use the software in your office.
  • FileMarker.NET Pro can customize one file or multiple files together.
  • FileMarker.NET Pro contains 16 professional icons for office work, plus 36 marks with letters and numbers build-in.
  • FileMarker.NET Pro can mark folders by priority (high, normal, low), by degree of work complete (done, half-done, planned), by work status (approved, rejected, pending) and by the type of the information contained in a file (work files, important files, temp files, private files).
  • FileMarker.NET Pro can change a files’s color to normal, dark and light states. 33 color variations for professional file management.
  • The program allows to color-mark a file, or add a label to it, or use a combination of a color and a label.
  • FileMarker.NET Pro changes file icons from within a popup menu of the files. To mark a file, you don’t even need to run the program!

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BlackFriday2020–1 – Save 13.98 USD

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Expires on: 2020-12-01

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