
AutoLogoff – cleanup & end inactive Windows user sessions. More…



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SKU: 12416968

Price: 3.7 USD

AutoLogoff – cleanup & end inactive Windows user sessions. More…

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 AutoLogoff is a tool that monitors keyboard and mouse activity invisible in the background. When AutoLogoff is enabled the specified action (logoff, shutdown, standby or lock) is performed after a
period of inactivity (no keyboard or mouse input received from user). Before initiating the action a warning message is displayed. You can optionally choose to delete temporary user files like the internet cache and contents of the TEMP folder.

AutoLogoff is especially useful in shared computer environments like schools and hospitals. It adds a layer of security for users who sometimes forget to logout of Windows.

  • AutoLogoff can log a user off, even if he/she has locked the desktop. It does this (optionally) in a forcefull manner. If an application won’t exit it will be forced to close.
  • AutoLogoff can automatically delete temporary files and browser caches at logoff or shutdown (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Adobe Flash)
  • AutoLogoff closes programs forcefully when a user wants to logoff from the start menu; no more logoff procedure that stops half way
  • AutoLogoff will display a warning message for a limited time before the user is forcefully logged off
  • Configuration is easy and adjustable to your needs from one central location: the Group Policy Management Console.
  • No installation necessary. You just have to run AutoLogoff in some way at the workstations. You can achieve this for example with a simple logon script.
  • Native small and fast Windows program; no additional software prerequisites
  • Save cpu, ram and diskspace resources on terminal server, Citrix and VDI environments

It works on Vista, Windows 7, Server 2003, Server 2008, 2012, 2016 and Terminal Server/Remote Desktop environments and is designed with enterprise use in mind.

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