For only 2500USD for a limited time. Promotion or discount/coupon code details (if applicable) will be present at the bottom of this post.
This is an entry level web application security testing course and is a pre-requisite for the Advanced Web Hacking course. Tools and techniques will be taught in the 2-day course. If you would like to step into the world of ethical hacking/penetration testing with a focus on web applications, then this is the class for you.
Promotion Status:
Promotion/coupon code is available. Scroll down to the end to see details
Platforms (if applicable):
This course familiarises the attendees with a wealth of tools and techniques required to breach and compromise the security of web applications. The course starts by discussing the very basics of web application concepts, and gradually builds up to a level where attendees can not only use the tools and techniques to hack various components involved in a web application, but also walk away with a solid understanding of the concepts on which these tools are based. The course will also talk about industry standards such as OWASP Top 10 and PCI DSS which form a critical part of web application security. Numerous real-life examples will be discussed during the course to help the attendees understand the true impact of these vulnerabilities.
Learn more about Web Hacking course here.
Discount /Promo Code Details (if available):
PR Campaign with a limited time Discount of 625USD
Promo Code or Coupon (if available): PR Campaign
Promo Link (if applicable)
Click here to see promotion details
Expiration Date:
Promotion is valid till: 2023-09-30