SSIS Data Flow Components for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Devart SSIS Data Flow Components for Salesforce Marketing Cloud allow you to integrate Salesforce Marketing Cloud data with cloud applications and databases via SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).



SKU: 5023654 Category:


For only 199.95USD for a limited time. Promotion or discount/coupon code details (if applicable) will be present at the bottom of this post.

Devart SSIS Data Flow Components for Salesforce Marketing Cloud allow you to integrate Salesforce Marketing Cloud data with cloud applications and databases via SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
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Promotion/coupon code is available. Scroll down to the end to see details

Platforms (if applicable):

Devart SSIS Data Flow Components forSalesforce Marketing Cloud allow you to integrate Salesforce Marketing Cloud data with cloud applications and databases via SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).Devart SSIS Data Flow Components forSalesforce Marketing Cloud include Source, Destination, and Lookup components along with Devart Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connection Manager.

Devart Salesforce Marketing Cloud Source

Devart Salesforce Marketing Cloud Source provides convenient editor which allow you to quickly create a query to the data source. It displays data source metadata and variables list, and allow previewing the queried data. Devart Salesforce Marketing Cloud Source allows using SQL select statements to query data from Salesforce Marketing Cloud even though Salesforce Marketing Cloud does not support SQL natively. No need to study Salesforce Marketing Cloud API to integrate your data.

Devart Salesforce Marketing Cloud Lookup

Devart Salesforce Marketing Cloud Lookup component offer advanced two-level performance optimizations. They check incoming rows for matches in batches and cache the data returned from a lookup object in order to provide the highest possible performance.

Devart Salesforce Marketing Cloud Destination

Devart Salesforce Marketing Cloud Destination support not only the standard Insert operations, but also Update, and Delete.

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Discount /Promo Code Details (if available):
Back2School20 with a limited time Discount of 24.995USD

Promo Code or Coupon (if available): Back2School20

Promo Link (if applicable)

Click here to see promotion details

Expiration Date:
Promotion is valid till: 2020-10-01

Vendor URL

Click here to go to the Vendor Website

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