SmartAwareness 1000 Seats

Empower employees with knowledge and skills to stay cyber secure at work and home. 2,000+ security awareness resources and phishing simulations aligned to employee learning styles help you change behaviors and culture. 
Learn more about SmartAwareness Here
Book a SmartAwareness demo with our product team Here



SKU: 40552974 Category:


For only 20000USD for a limited time. Promotion or discount/coupon code details (if applicable) will be present at the bottom of this post.

Empower employees with knowledge and skills to stay cyber secure at work and home. 2,000+ security awareness resources and phishing simulations aligned to employee learning styles help you change behaviors and culture. 
Learn more about SmartAwareness Here
Book a SmartAwareness demo with our product team Here

Promotion Status:
Promotion/coupon code is available. Scroll down to the end to see details

Platforms (if applicable):

Platform features and benefits:

  • 2,000+ security awareness training modules: Inspire lasting behavior change with award-winning security awareness training built to capture your employee’s attention and reinforce secure habits.
  • 1,000+ realistic phishing simulations: Prepare your employees or the most challenging threats they face by simulating the same domain spoofing techniques,  typosquatting and attack types scammers find most effective.
  • Program automation: Save time and deliver training in the teachable moment by automating training delivery — and reporting for your key stakeholders.
  • Reporting and assessments: With prebuilt automated reports, training campaign summaries and unlimited custom reporting, Check Point SecurityAwareness makes it easy to run a data-driven security awareness and training program.

Who it’s for:

  • Organizations seeking to identify, transform and mitigate risky user behaviors.
  • Any organization seeking compliance with regulations like HIPAA, PCI DSS, FERPA, GDPR and more.


Product Screenshot(s):

Discount /Promo Code Details (if available):
PR Campaign with a limited time Discount of 5000USD

Promo Code or Coupon (if available): PR Campaign

Promo Link (if applicable)

Click here to see promotion details

Expiration Date:
Promotion is valid till: 2023-09-30

Vendor URL

Click here to go to the Vendor Website

Additional information

