The PHP Admin Panel 5.0.0

The PHP Admin Panel is an OOP framework that helps you create a powerful and complex interface with just a simple configuration, based on a main database table. As example, to create a section where you can manage products from your database, you’ll need to create a configuration file and:
– set your main table (the one that keeps your products)
– the primary key
– a list of fields that you need to manage
All done! Now you can enjoy a great interface.



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The PHP Admin Panel is an OOP framework that helps you create a powerful and complex interface with just a simple configuration, based on a main database table. As example, to create a section where you can manage products from your database, you’ll need to create a configuration file and:
– set your main table (the one that keeps your products)
– the primary key
– a list of fields that you need to manage
All done! Now you can enjoy a great interface.

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No promo code is available for this product.

Platforms (if applicable):
Fedora, Linux, MacOS, OpenBSD, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Unix, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012

Main features of the PHP Admin Panel

* You can choose to access the application only from a provided list of IPs.

* Secure login system with advanced settings.

* Multiple users and easy to use roles and privileges for each section.

* Log user actions – each login, insert, update, delete.

* Private messages between your users.

* Listing of a database table (and custom foreign keys) with automated pagination.

* Activate trash to be able to restore your deleted items.

* Multiple filters for your records, multiple delete and sorting.

* Avoid duplicates when insert and update.

* Easy update with a great Ajax interface.

* Multilanguage support, easy to translate, change and import from a CSV file.

* Advanced auto save system for your forms.

* Custom hashing system (it’s easy to create safe passwords).

* Auto complete (jQuery-UI) for your text fields.

* Multiple association field (example: add multiple tags for some article).

* Input validation rules for text or files (email, digits and others OR create your own rules).

* Upload single or multiple files and associate with your records.

* Resize, rotate, watermark, filters for images.

* PHP PDO database integration (with MySql) – no SQL injection.

* Smarty templates and easy to create new themes.

* Import CSV and control duplicate key update.

* Export CSV with current filtering and sorting.

* Powerful mass-update. Update multiple fields at once with few clicks.

* Custom email notification after submit (update, delete, insert).

* Custom action (callback) after submit (update, delete, insert).

* Custom graphics for your records with Google Charts.

* Easy to duplicate existing records.

* Easy to create a database backup.

Product Screenshot(s):

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